CSI Team Survey Spring 2021

Team Name and Contacts
Select Your Team:*
Team Contact:*
Team Email:*
Team Officials contact, if any:
Team Officials contact email:

Pool Availability
Home Facility Name:*
Home Facility Town:*
Is your team currently practicing?* Yes No

Hosting Meets
Is your home facility available for use for competitions?* Yes No

Competitions With More Than One Team
Does your facility allow competitions with teams other than your own? Yes No Doesn't apply

Team Resources For Holding Meets
Does your team have the technical ability, volunteer support and enough officials to run a meet in your facility?* Yes No
If your team is not able to go solo on running a meet at your facility, are you open to being paired with a team with experience and volunteers, but no pool to run competitions?* Yes No Doesn't apply

Covid Demographics
How many of your swimmers are currently practicing?*
How many total hours of practice does your team currently offer each week?* Less than 10 10-14 15-20 21-25 26 or more
How does this number of practice hours compare to the hours prior to Covid restrictions?* Substantially the same number of hours Moderate reduction in practice hours Substantially fewer practice hours.
Are you practicing in your original facility(ies), or did you have to relocate?* Same facility(ies) Different facility(ies) Mixture of facility(ies) - some old and some new
Do you have a Covid Emergency Action Plan in place?* Yes No
Do you take attendance at practice?* Yes No
Does your facility have Covid screening?* Yes No

If you have any comments or questions for the CSI Board, please enter them here:

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